

2018-10-31 来源:中国旅游新闻社 

  早起查收邮件时,收到了来自国际天文联合会(the International Astronomical Union-IAU)的邮箱no-reply@iau.org发来的邮件。

  邮件内容是告知大家,2018年10月29日国际天文联合会(the International Astronomical Union-IAU)在其网站:宣布:关于IAU会员电子投票更命哈勃定律为哈勃-勒梅特定律的决议被正式接受。这项决议的提出,是为了向勒梅特和哈勃对现代宇宙学发展的基本贡献致敬。

  宇宙膨胀定律命名案尘埃落定,终于还给勒梅特一个迟到近百年的公道。这已不是 IAU第一次透过投票决定重大科学事件了。


  公告原文:An electronic vote has been conducted among all members of the International Astronomical Union, and the resolution to recommend renaming the Hubble law as the Hubble–Lemaître law has been accepted。 The Hubble–Lemaître law describes the effect by which objects in an expanding Universe move away from each other with a velocity proportionally related to their distance。 This resolution was proposed in order to pay tribute to both Lemaître and Hubble for their fundamental contributions to the development of modern cosmology。


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Copyright © 2010-2018 中国旅游新闻社 版权所有 Power by DedeCms